Saturday, January 17, 2009

My good day

It's freezing cold here...but the funny thing is, the sun's still shining and there's just a little snow...i mean, there should be a whole lot blanket of snow if the temperature is -20 Celcius right? I just don't get the weather here...

Days are beginning to get better...I have reached a little milestone in my journey to become a better person...just getting a tad more comfortable in my own skin...i didn't know it can feel so good :-)

You know those days when you felt like good things could never really come your way...but you keep on holding on anyway...and then one day, suddenly u find that things are not so bad after all...i had that day yesterday :-)

I'm getting a bit better in skiing and i'm longing to get a pan so thatI can cook here...

1 paw prints:

boxDREAMER said...

wei we will always b ur side de
u better take a good care
n never forget to brinf some thing to us
have a happy happy new year !