Sunday, November 30, 2008

This funny feeling

I just finished watching the last episode of Nodame Cantabile. Which is rare for me because I tend to hold off watching final episodes as long as I can because I don't want those dramas to end. Until sometimes I forgot totally about the need to watch them altogether. And end up forgetting most of the storylines by the time I found the courage to watch those final episodes.

Anyway, I just finished watching the last episode of Nodame Cantabile and well, a funny feeling came over me. I can't quite explain it or why it happened. I just want to write about it. So, end of story.


I've been thinking about what I am going to do after I came back from the US. I don't wanna think bout it now actually, but I was forced to.

Honestly, I have no idea what I want to do. I have to complete my studies of coz because I still have one more year before I get my degree. But where? If you ask me that question right now, I will tell you that I dun really care.

As long as I get my degree. If possible, in the shortest time and with the lowest cost possible, so as not to burden my parents that much.

And then, what's next? The working world? That thought scares me the most. Everytime I think about the future, I imagine myself sitting in the office, watching the clock go by slowly, waiting for 5pm to come, whilst trying to prevent myself from catching hypothermia from the freezing office air con. Then I go back home, eat dinner, watch some dramas on tv, sleep early and then repeat the cycle all over again tmw. Until I retire.

Tat actually sounds like a description of my previous part-time job but is it tat different from all other office jobs?

Do I really have to live my life like this in order to survive in this world? Is this all life is about, making money, accumulating cars, houses and then making more children to continue the process?

If it is, then then.....humans should really make better use of their time..

3 paw prints:

Anonymous said...

haha..i think little black puppy no suitable work 9am-5pm job..u should go zoo or spca or watever abt dog dog cat cat de place work...coz u has a kindly heart..

littleblackpuppy said...

haha...i oso wan...but those kind of jobs doesn't pay much..can be a volunteer only...and sometimes working in spca can be heartbreaking...but if i can stand tat, maybe i will try it...

v said...

i juz notice this article... lol... i think it's a process... juz make sure u don't give up hope n dreams... it's sad bout that cycle thing, and it's even worse if u juz give in like that... kekeke... dare to dream...