Friday, November 21, 2008

All about my hair

I went out and straightened my hair yesterday. I had to because my hair was a mess. Hairs were flying out all over the place. It made me look like a lion if I didn't comb my hair.

Now my hair feels really soft and straight. Like those models' in shampoo commercials. But something doesn't feel right. I should have felt really happy and satisfied with my straight hair but I am not. Because now I look years before. Like nothing have changed.

But that's not true of coz. I have changed. The Shirlene you may know 2 years ago is not the same person as the Shirlene today. Just ask any of my college friends. They will tell you how quiet I was during my college orientation day compared to the person that I am today. (Not that I have become very talkative today but I have improved :)). And I have changed in so many other invisible ways as well.

I'd like my hairstyle to reflect that. I want people to see that I am not the same girl that I was before.

T.T.....but sadly, I think I have to settle for this now, for convenience sake. And it seems that my hair is too stubborn to let it grow naturally....

haizz...what to do...

0 paw prints: