Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Why I am going to the US

So many people have been asking me whether I'm going to the US to study...haha..so, I think I better explain it here.

No, I'm not going to the US to study. I am going to the US to work.

Actually, I'm joining a program called Work and Travel USA. It's a program for students from Malaysia, Singapore, Australia...actually from all over the world to go to the US to work for a maximum of 4 months and then use that money to travel within USA for a maximum of 1 month.

In Malaysia, it's organized by a company called Speedwing. You can find out more about it here.

So, I will be going there to work in a resort called The Homestead in Virginia.

It looks nice in the picture right? I hope it looks nicer in real life :)

People have mixed reactions whenever I tell them about my intentions. I won't get into how hard it is for me to convince my mom.

But if I didn't take tat risk now, when will I ever have this opportunity again?

No risk, no growth, betul?

1 paw prints:

Looi Hong Aun said...

yea...very true...especially once you start working u won't have so much freedom to travel around and do outrageous things anymore...do as many wild things as u can before u start working :).