Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Saying Goodbye

I am not used to saying goodbyes at all. I don't think anyone is.

These few days have been hard. Initially, I thought I will be ok with the idea...
This IS the moment that I have been longing for ever since I start studying....no more nerve-breaking exams, no more boring classes , no more staying up till 6am to rush never-ending assignments, no more pressures......finally.....free

But then the thought hit me.

Because it also means...

no more staying together with roomates,
no more waking up to Jun Jun, Yiyi, Mei Leng and Wan Jun's voices,
no more holding hands with Jun Jun,
no more late night yum cha at white light mamak,
no more going to Wednesday pasar malam in Nan Cen's car,
no more dinner with my second family,
no more performing arts classes....

I mean, how do you say goodbye to people you have been living, laughing and crying together with for 2 whole years? How do you say goodbye to people you feel so close with that they feel like your family when your real family is away? How do you say goodbye to new found friends who you have spent days and nights with working on the most memorable showcase of your life?
Friends that I would really like to get to know better but there's just not enough time...

How do you say goodbye to those who have made such an impact in your life only to learn that you might never see them again for the rest of your life?

I haven't figure that out yet. And I guess I never will.

0 paw prints: