Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Starting off...

So, how am I going to start off my first post in my new blog?

I have no idea....
I don't intend to start it off this way at all...This blog is intended for my trip to the US...and I am still one month away from there. But I am just too free now...with nothing to do...
Actually, it's my exam week now and I should be studying. But it's too dark in my hostel room now to read my HR notes. And I couldn't play any flash games or watch any Youtube videos in this stupid Internet connection.
That's why I am here...typing out my thoughts while listening to music on my earphone..all the while praying that my roomates wouldn't notice what I am doing.
But, why am I so afraid of letting them know? They will find out anyway..after I announce the existence of this blog eventually.
But the thought of people seeing my thoughts all laid out in my blog still scares me. Now they will know what their quiet roomate had been thinking all along...all those 2 years of mystery..solved.
I wonder who is going to read this blog after I announced it. Most probably my family and my close friends. Maybe some strangers too. Maybe you.
I have been following several people's blogs for weeks now. One of them is my sister's . The others are complete strangers'. But I found their life to be so interesting that I checked their blogs religiously everyday (if I have the time to). I wonder if people are going to do the same for me.
;-) Wishful thinking...Will my life ever be that interesting? And my writing style...=.="...I just hope I didn't bore people.
The time now is 5.30pm. 5 more hours before I say goodbye to you. I hope I will feel better afterwards. God, I am so nervous.

I can think of so many things to write now. Guess I don't have the chance to express what I feel in real life. But it will all just be ramblings. So, I guess I will stop now.

When the time comes, I will announce this blog.
When the time comes, I will leave for the US.
When the time comes, I will have to leave you.
When the time comes, I will become stronger.
When the time comes, I will find what I am looking for.

All I can do now is wait for the time to come...

0 paw prints: